“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” — Virginia Woolf
“A Vegan advocate for all – veterans, dabblers, converts, even carnivores! I’m here to help curate your vegan food experience, at home or out on the town.”
I jumped one year ago. I left a booming 20-year career in marketing with absolutely no plan of what was next. And let me tell you, for a type A planner like me this was unprecedented. And if I’m being super honest with myself – terrifying. My only solace was the overwhelming feeling that I had something to create, something to share. And my amazingly supportive husband who helped bankrolled this jump of mine.
Soul searching didn’t take long. My passion for vegan food was exceedingly clear to me (and to everyone who has shared a meal with me in last six years!) I also really loved shoes too (such a soft spot for Louboutins!) but didn’t think my design skills were up to par for such a path.
So, enter The Vegan Mary.
Part passion project. Part creative nurturing. And maybe a dash of uncultivated female entrepreneurship.
Now, before we get too far into my vision of love and veganism, I need to fess up. I’m not one who can attribute my vegan diet to lofty environmental ethics or a pure love of animals. Nope. I was just plain sick. Lethargic. Unsettled. Unhappy. The resulting frustration with which led me to make another jump, of sorts. I tried a vegan diet for 30 days in hopes of shocking my system into behaving. And after my basic vegan education (thank you, Skinny Bitch), 30 days came and went. And I have never looked back. Never cheated. Never regretted. (Think Rocky music here, folks.)
Here’s the funny thing. No funny ha-ha, but funny pathetic. When I started my little vegan adventure, I didn’t even know another vegan. And although I hadn’t eaten red meat in well over a decade and really liked a nice salad, I was surrounded by a venison-that-I-shot-myself, cheese please, extra butter on that, do-you-have-any-ranch loving family. Bless all of them.
So I stumbled my way through the first months of veganism as an island. I didn’t eat out, who the hell knows what they put in their soup? I spent hours at the grocery combing the aisles for vegan options. Man, why is egg in every fricking salad dressing? Oh the stories I could share…
So, here I now am. Almost six years in. With ninja like vegan skills to share. With you.
And here’s the best part - you don’t even have to be a vegan! The Vegan Mary welcomes all kinds! Even my venison-cheese-butter-ranch loving family. I’ll just say this. To really enjoy this content, it helps to have an open mind. Well, at least like a crack. I mean, there must be some sort of daylight that gets in.
If your currently daily meals typically include three types of pork, steak and the occasional chicken nugget but are willing to introduce meatless Mondays, I say bravo to you! If you’re a vegetarian now and want to lay off milk and eggs, way to go!
A world full of healthy and tasty vegan food awaits. And as my dad used to say, you get more flies with honey. Well, flies and honey aren’t really all that vegan but you get my point. This website isn’t about converting everyone to a vegan diet, it’s about helping everyone along their vegan journey.
No matter where you are now, we can move forward together.